Plant Growth Facility

The Plant Growth Facility (PGF) project will provide a world-leading research facility that underpins excellence and innovation in plant science and sustainable ecosystems for global impact.

project details

Work commenced in December 2021, with the facility expected to be occupied mid 2024. The Plant Growth Facility is located within the west precinct of the St Lucia Campus, on the corner of Glasshouse and Services Road, directly opposite the existing Central Glasshouse Services (CGS).
The facility will contain an array of highly technical controlled environment rooms, capable of replicating a variety of environmental conditions to simulate natural conditions. The rooms are also designed to simulate natural conditions, creating more opportunities for dynamic climate conditions and measurable outcomes. The building roof deck will house two glasshouses, including nine glasshouse bays.
The Plant Growth Facility will position UQ as the principal plant science research centre in Queensland.


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